:2018.:API 5L,2018.1 60,22:.,:114,3(4,500)141,3(5,563)12,6(0,495)11,3(0,445)12,6(0,495)10,9(0,429)11,3(0,445)10,1(0,396)10,9(0,429)141,3(5,563)168,3(6,625)11,9(0,469)9,8(0,387)11,9(0,469)9,4(0,370)9,8(0,387)8,6(0,338)9,4(0,370)168,3(6,625)219,1(8,625)11,7(0,460)9,2(0,361)11,7(0,460)8,5(0,333)9,2(0,361)7,6(0,301)8,6(0,333)219,1(8,625)273,1(10,750)11,4(0,449)8,9(0,350)11,4(0,449)8,1(0,317)8,9(0,350)6,5(0,257)8,1(0,317)273,1(10,750)323,9(12,750)11,2(0,442)8,7(0,343)11,2(0,442)7,9(0,310)8,7(0,343)6,2(0,245)7,9(0,310)This document has been translated by Normdocswith the permission of the American PetroleumInstitute(API).This translated version shall notreplace nor supersede the English languageversion that remains the official version for legal orliability purposes.API shall not be responsible forany errors,discrepancies or misinterpretationsarising from this translation.No additionaltranslation or reproduction may be made of thestandard without the prior written consent of API.(API).,.API ,.API.API 5L ,2018.API:1 2019.1,2018.This document has been translated by Normdocs with the permission of the American Petroleum Institute(API).This translated version shall not replace nor supersede the English language version that remains the official version for legal or liability purposes.API shall not be responsible for any errors,discrepancies or misinterpretations arising from this translation.No additional translation or reproduction may be made of the standard without the prior written consent of API.(API).,.API ,.API.API .,-.API,API,-,.API,API ,.API ,.,;,.API ,-.-,.API .,API,.API ,API.,.,.,-,.API ,.,.,.:API,1220 L Street,N.W.,Washington,D.C.20005.Copyright 2018 API API -,-,.-.:;,;,;.,.,.API,API.,1220 L Street,N.Y.,Washington,D.C.20005.API ,.API ,(202)682-8000.API API,1220 L Street,N.W.,Washington,D.C.20005.,1220 L Street,N.W.,Washington,D.C.20005, .11.1 .11.2 API.12 .13,.43.1 . .144.2 .145 . .155.3 .156 ,.166.1 .166.2 .167,.187.1 .187.2 .188.228.1 .228.2,.248.3 .248.4 .258.5 COW.268.6 SAW.268.7 .268.8 EW LW.268.9 .268.10 /. .289.1 .289.2 .289.3 .319.4 .339.5 .339.6 .339.7 .339.8 CVN PSL 2.349.9 DWT PSL 2.359.10 ,.369.11,.379.12 .429.13 .449.14 .479.15 PSL 2.4810.4810.1 .4810.2 .4911.7411.1 .7411.2 .7511.3 .7711.4 .7811.5 .7811.6 .7812 .7912.1 .7912.2 .7913 .7914.80 ()API API .81 ()PSL 2.85 ().90 D().92 (),H,J N.99 F()(PSL 1).112 G()PSL 2,.115 ()PSL 2 .122 I()TFL.136 J()PSL 2 .138 K(),.153 L().158 ().160 N()PSL 2,.162 ()API .179 (),CVN.181.192 1 .412 .423,.444 .445 .536 .547 .598 .609 .64C.1,(PSL 2).91D.1 .96F.1 .114H.1 .133J.1 .150M.1 .161N.1 .177P.1 .182P.2.183P.3 ,V-,.189P.4 CVN .1901 ,.172 PSLs.223 PSL 2.234 PSL 1 c t 25,0 (0,984).295 PSL 2 c t 25,0 (0,984).306,PSL 1.317,PSL 2.328 CVN PSL 2.359 .3810 .3911 .4012 ,.4113 SMLS.4314 SAW COW.4615 W LW.4616 SAW COW ().4717 PSL 1.5018 PSL2).5119,PSL 1.5520,PSL 2.5621 .5722 PSL 2.6023 .6524 .6725 .6826 S.6927.77D.1,.97E.1 .100E.2 SMLS.100E.3IQI ISO.102E.4IQI ASTM.102E.5 .104E.6 .104E.7.106E.8.108F.1,.113G.1 CVN 0,625.118G.2 CVN 0,72.119G.3 CVN 0,80.120H.1 t 25,0 (0,984).126H.2,.127H.3.129H.4,.130I.1,TFL.137I.2 .137J.1 t 25,0 (0.984).142J.2,.143J.3 .145J.4 .146J.5 SAW.147J.6.148J.7,.149K.1 .155L.1 ().159N.1 t 25,0 (0,984).166N.2 .169N.3 .170N.4 .170N.5 SAW.171N.6.172N.7,.174 45-API Spec 5L.,(PSL 1 PSL 2).PSL 1 .PSL 2 ,.,PSL 1 PSL 2,.,PSL,PSL 1,PSL 2.,-.,:PSL 2,(),;PSL 2,(G);PSL 2,();,(I);PSL 2,(J).PSL 2,(N).,.,.,-,.,.,().(,),(),.,.9.2 F.1,.,.1 1.1 ,(PSL 1 PSL 2),.().1.2 API ,(API),API,A.2 .().API 5A3,API 5L3,API 5B,API 5T1,ASNT SNT-TC-1A1,SNT-TC-1A ASTM A3702,ASTM A435,ASTM A578,ASTM A751,ASTM A941,ASTM A956,_1 ,1711 Arlingate Lane,Columbus,Ohio 43228,https:/ ASTM International.100 Barr Harbor Drive,West Conchohocken,Pennsylvania 19428,https:/ API 5LASTM A1038,ASTM E18,ASTM E92,ASTM E94,ASTM E110,ASTM E114,ASTM E164,ASTM E165,ASTM E213,ASTM E273,ASTM E309,ASTM E570,ASTM E587,ASTM E709,ASTM E747,(IQI),ASTM E1806,ASTM E1815-08,ASTM E1820,ASTM E2033,()ASTM E2698,ASTM G39,BS 7448-13,Klc,CTOD J EN 101684,_3BSI,389 Chiswick High Road,London,W4 4AL,United Kingdom,https:/.4 (CEN),Rue de la Science 23,B-1040 Brussels,Belgium,https:/ 10204:2004,ISO 148-15,()1:ISO 404,ISO 2566-1,1:ISO 4885,ISO 5173,ISO 6506(),ISO 6507(),ISO 6508(),ISO 6892-1,1:ISO 6929,ISO 7539-2,2:ISO 8491,()ISO 8492,ISO 8501-1,1:ISO 9712,ISO 9769,ISO 10474:1991,ISO 10893-2,2:()ISO 10893-3,3:()/ISO 10893-4,4:ISO 10893-5,5:ISO 10893-6,6:_5 (ISO),Chemin de Blandonnet 8,CP 401,1214 Vernier,Geneva,Switzerland, API 5LISO 10893-7,7:ISO 10893-8,8:ISO 10893-9,9:/,ISO 10893-10,10:()/ISO 10893-11,11:/.ISO 10893-12,12:()ISO 11484,(NDT)ISO 11669-1:2008,1:ISO 12135,ISO 12737,ISO 13678,-ISO 14284,ISO 15653,ISO 19232-1:2004,1:()ISO 80000-1:2009/Cor 1:2011,1:NACE TM01776,H2SNACE TM0284,3,3.1 ._6 NACE International,15835 Park TEN Place,Houston,Texas 77084,https:/ (as agreed).,.7.2).3.1.