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pec_15X 2018
Specifica tion fo r Cro sslinked Polyethylene(PEX)Line Pip eAPI SPECIFICATION 15PXFIRST EDITION,SEPTEMBER 2018Provided by IHS Markit under license with API Special Not esAPI publicat ions nec essarily address problems of a general nat ure.With respect to part icular circ umst ances,loc al,st at e,and federal law s and regulat ions should be reviewed.Neither API nor any of A PIs employ ees,subcontractors,consultant s,committ ees,or other assignees mak e anywarrant y or represent at ion,either ex press or implied,w ith respect t o the accuracy,complet eness,or usefulness of theinformat ion contained herein,or assume any liabilit y or responsibility for any use,or the results of such use,of anyinformat ion or process disclosed in this publicat ion.Neit her API nor any of A PIs employ ees,subcont ractors,consult ants,or ot her assignees represent that use of this publicat ion w ould not infringe upon privat ely ow ned right s.API publications may be used by any one desiring to do so.Every effort has been made by t he Institut e t o assure theaccuracy and reliability of the dat a c ontained in them;how ever,t he Instit ute mak es no represent ation,w arrant y,orguarantee in connection w ith this publication and hereby ex pressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss ordamage result ing from its use or for the violation of any authorities having jurisdiction w it h w hich this publication mayconflict.API publicat ions are published to facilit ate the broad availabilit y of proven,sound engineering and operatingpract ices.These publicat ions are not intended t o obviat e t he need for apply ing sound engineering judgmentregarding w hen and where t hese publications should be ut ilized.The formulat ion and publicat ion of API publicat ionsis not int ended in any w ay to inhibit anyone from using any other practices.Any manufacturer mark ing equipment or mat erials in conformance w ith the marking requirements of an A PI st andardis solely responsible for comply ing w it h all t he applicable requirements of t hat standard.A PI does not represent,warrant,or guarant ee that suc h product s do in fact conform t o t he applic able A PI standard.All rights reserved.No part of this work may be reproduc ed,translated,stored in a retriev al system,or t ransmitt ed by any means,elec tronic,mechanic al,photocopying,recording,or otherwise,wit hout prior w ritt en permission from the publisher.Contact the Publisher,API Publishing Servic es,1220 L Street,NW,Washington,DC 20005.Cop yright 2018 Ame rican Petroleum Institu teProvided by IHS Markit under license with API ForewordNothing cont ained in any A PI publication is to be construed as grant ing any right,by implicat ion or ot herw ise,for themanufact ure,sale,or use of any method,apparat us,or product covered by let ters pat ent.Neither should anythingcont ained in the publication be construed as insuring any one against liability for infringement of lett ers pat ent s.The verbal forms used to ex press t he provisions in t his document are as follow s.Shall:A s used in a st andard,“shall”denotes a minimum requirement in order t o conform to the standard.Should:As used in a standard,“should”denotes a recommendation or t hat w hich is advised but not required in ordert o conform t o the st andard.May:As used in a st andard,“may”denot es a course of action permissible w it hin t he limits of a standard.Can:A s used in a standard,“can”denot es a statement of possibility or capability.This document w as produc ed under API st andardization proc edures t hat ensure appropriat e not ification and participation in the development al process and is designated as an A PI st andard.Questions conc erning the interpretat ion of the c ont ent of this publicat ion or comments and questions conc erning the procedures under w hic h this publicat ion w as developed should be direct ed in w rit ing to t he Direct or of St andards,A merican Pet roleum Inst it ut e,1220 L St reet,NW,Washingt on,DC 20005.Request s for permission t o reproduce or t ranslat e all or any part of the material published herein should also be addressed t o t he direc t or.Generally,API standards are review ed and revised,reaffirmed,or w ithdraw n at least every five y ears.A one-time ex tension of up to two y ears may be added to this review cycle.Stat us of the publication can be ascertained from t he A PI St andards Department,t elephone(202)682-8000.A catalog of API publicat ions and mat erials is published annually and updat ed quart erly by API,1220 L St reet,NW,Washingt on,DC 20005.Suggest ed revisions are invit ed and should be submit t ed t o t he St andards Depart ment,A PI,1220 L St reet,NW,Washington,DC 20005,standardsapi.org.iiiProvided by IHS Markit under license with API Provided by IHS Markit under license with API Cont entsPage1Introduction.11.1Purpose.11.2Scope.11.3Serv ice Conditions.12Normative R eferences.22.1General.22.2R equirement s.32.3Equivalent Standards.33Definitions and Abbrevi

