-API-51 ,1999 ,2015 This document has been translated by PAO with the permission of the American Petroleum Institute(API).This translated version shall not replace nor supersede the English language version that remains the official version for legal or liability purposes.API shall not be responsible for any errors,discrepancies or misinterpretations arising from this translation.No additional translation or reproduction may be made of the standard without the prior written consent of API.(API).-,.API ,.API-.-API-51 ,1999 ,2015 .API .-,.API ,-,.-,-,.,API,-,-,.,API -.API,.API 5 ,.-API (202)682-8000.API -API,200 Massachusetts Avenue,NW,Suite 1100,Washington,DC 20001.API ,-,API.,-API,200 Massachusetts Avenue,NW,Suite 1100,Washington,DC 20001.,.API ,-.-.API .,API,.API API.,-,.:API Publishing Services,200 Massachusetts Avenue,NW,Suite 1100,Washington,DC 20001.1999 .iii ,-.API -,1999.API ,.,;,-,-,.,.200 Massachusetts Avenue,NW,Suite 1100,Washington,DC 20001.1 .1 2 .1 2.1 .1 2.2 .1 2.3 .1 3 .1 4 .1 4.1 .1 4.2 .3 4.3 ,.3 4.4 .4 4.5 .5 4.6 .5 4.7 .5 4.8 .6 5 -.7 5.1 .7 5.2 ,.20 5.3 .21 5.4 -.22 5.5 -.22 6 -.24 6.1 .24 6.2 .24 6.3 .24 7 -,.25 7.1 .25 7.2 .31 7.3 .31 8 .31 9 .32 9.1 .32 9.2 .32 9.3 .32 9.4 .32 9.5 .33 9.6 .33 9.7 .33 .2 1 8.9 2 .21 3 -26 4 -,30 5 .30.1 1 :-,API 5.1.1 -,NACE International(-).1.2 -,:(),(b).,-,API 52.:,API 52,.1.3 -4.8.16 5.5.15,.,.NACE International,-1,NACE International,1440 South Creek Drive,P.O.Box 218340,Houston,Texas 77218-834.2 2.1 ,:API 52 ,-.52 ,-.5 ,-.7G .5,-.5 -.AWS1 5.1 .2.2 ,.2.3 ,API .3 3.1 shall:,.3.2 should:,.3.3 m:,.4 4.1 4.1.1 ,API 5,.,1 ,550 N.W.LeJeune Road,.Box 351040,Miami,Florida 33135.-.1 ,.,.,:a.,.b.,API,.4.1.2 -,-,.-,-.-, .-.:-.,-,.4.1.4 ,-,:)-,b),.4.1.5 ,-.-.4.1.6 .,1,5 -(API 5),-()(150 1.-,-.-,-,4.1.7 -:.-.b.-,.c.-,-(-),0,01 ().-,.,-,.-.-,-.d.,.,-,-.e.-.-,-API 52,-API 52,-.f.-,-.,.2 API 5C1 .g.,-,.h.,-,.i.,-.4.2 4.2.1 -,-API 5.,-.4.2.2 ,.-.,-.-,.4.3 ,4.3.1 -,.4.3.2 -.-,.4.3.3 -,.,.,-,-,-.,.:4.3.4 4.4.1 -.- -,.-,-,-,.-,-,-,.-,-API 52,-,-,-.,-,-API 52.,API,.-,1.10-(10.).-,.,4.4.1.,1,-.,80 .-.-70 .-,-.:-,-,-(,9 13),-.-.-3 .1 .-.4.4 4.4.1 -:.,4 1/2 133/8 1.,-.-4.4.2.-,-,1.-,75 .125 .2.-.-,-.-,25 .3.,-.4.,-1,2 3,-,-.5.-,75 ,1,4.4.3 ,.6.-,125 ,1.(),-4.4.3 ,.b.4 1/2 13 3/8 -,.-.c.,-16,18 5/8 20:1.16,18 5/8 20 ,-8 -,-,-1.3/8 (9,5)8 L1+1/16 (1,6)-.,.-,.50 000 .,-,-,.2., .6,-.,-.,.-(),-(.,-.4.4.2 -.:4 1/2 7,7 5/8 ,9 5/8 10 3/4 110 20 J55 55,-.-,-.,.-.4 API 5C1 .4.4.3 ,.-,.-,-.4.4.4 -,.-,-.,-.4.4.5 ().,(),-.4.4.6 ,(),.,-.,.4.4.7 ,-,.,-.-,.4.4.8 -,-,.-:-,.-.-.-.-,-.,-,.-,.-,-,.-.:-,.4.5.,-,.-.-,-,-.,-,(,),-,.4.6 ,-.4.7 4.7.1 -,-,-.,-.,-5 .1 .-,.4.7.2 ,-.4.7.3 ,-.4.7.4 ,-.4.7.5 ,-.-.-,-,-API.4.7.6 ,-,-,-.4.8 4.8.1-4.8.16:4.8.1 .4.8.2 .4.8.3 ,-.4.8.4 .4.8.5 .4.8.6 -.4.8.7 .4.8.8 .4.8.9 ,().4.8.10 .-.4.8.11 -.,.4.8.12 -.4.8.13 ,-.4.8.14 ,-.4.8.15 -:a.b.c.d.,-,-.e.f.g.h.-.i.,-.j.k.-.l.,.4.8.16 .,-,.-6 API 5C1 .-,-,-.,-.,-,-,.-()-(-).,.-,-,-.,.-,.-,.,-,-,:.,-,:1.,-,.2.,-.3.,.4.,-.-.-,.b.-,:1.-.(-).2.-.-,-.3.c.-.,.-.,-.d.,-,.-:(1),pH,-,-.-.(2)-,.(3)-.,-.,-.e.H2S -.H2S,-.-.5 -5.1 -7 .1 5.1.1 -,API 5,.-,-,-.-,-.,-:a.,-,.b.-,-,API,-,-.:,-,-,-,.-,.5.1.2 -,.-,-,.-, -,-API,.5.1.4 .5.1.5 ,-,.5.1.6 -.5.1.7 ,.,.:-.-,-.5.1.8 -,-,.,.-.5.1.9 -:a.-.b.-,.c.-,-(),0,01 ().,-.-.,-,-,.d.,.,.e.,.-,-,-,.8 API 5C1 .1 8 (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)-D()Dm()-.-.4.500 9.50 4.500 114.30 40 770 1 1040 -4.500 9.50 4.500 114.30 J55 1010 1380-4.500 10.50 4.500 114.30 J55 1320 1790-4.500 11.60 4.500 114.30 J55 1540 2090 1620 2200 4.500 9.50 4.500 114.30 55 1120 1520-4.500 10.50 4.500 114.30 55 1460 1980-4.500 11.60 4.500 114.30 55 1700 2310 1800 2430 4.500 9.50 4.500 114.30 65 1180 1600-4.500 10.50 4.500 114.30 65 1540 2090-4.500 11.60 4.500 114.30 65 -1880 2550 4.500 13.50 4.500 114.30 65 -2280 3090 4.500 11.60 4.500 114.30 L80 -2230 3030 4.500 13.50 4.500 114.30 L80 -2710 3670 4.500 11.60 4.500 114.30 N80 -2280 3090 4.500 13.50 4.500 114.30 N80 -2760 3740 4.500 11.60 4.500 114.30 90 -2450 3320 4.500 13.50 4.500 114.30 90 -2970 4030 4.500 11.60 4.500 114.30 95 -2580 3500 4.500 13.50 4.500 114.30 95 -3130 4240 4.500 11.60 4.500 114.30 T95 -2580 3500 4.500 13.50 4.500 114.30 T95 -3130 4240 4.500 11.60 4.500 114.30 110 -3020 4100 4.500 13.50 4.500 114.30 110 -3660 4960 4.500 15.10 4.500 114.30 110 -4400 5960 4.500 15.10 4.500 114.30 Q125 -4910 6650 5.000 11.50 5.000 127.00 J55 1330 1810 -5.000 13.00 5.000 127.00 J55 1690 2290 1820 2470 5.000 15.00 5.000 127.00 J55 2070 2800 2230 3020 5.000 11.50 5.000 127.00 55 1470 1990-5.000 13.00 5.000 127.00 55 1860 2520 2010 2730 5.000 15.00 5.000 127.00 55 2280 3090 2460 3340 -9 .1 8()(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)-D()Dm()-.-.5.000 11.50 5.000 127.00 65 1550 2100 5.000 13.00 5.000 127.00 65 1960 2660 2120 2870 5.000 15.00 5.000 127.00 65-2590 3520 5.000 18.00 5.000 127.00 65-3310 4480 5.000 21.40 5.000 127.00 65-4090 5550 5.000 15.00 5.000 127.00 L80-3080 4170 5.000 18.00 5.000 127.00 L80-3930 5320 5.000 21.40 5.000 127.00 L