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2023 学年 陕西省 镇安 中学 高考 冲刺 模拟 英语试题 解析
2023学年高考英语模拟测试卷 考生请注意: 1.答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。 2.第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。 3.考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 1.---Professor Li is wanted on the phone. Where is he? --- I saw him coming, but in a minute, he _____. A.will disappear B.has disappeared C.disappears D.disappeared 2..— I'm really angry at my naughty son. He never listens to me and often is against me. — ____, Ellen. Things will go out. A.It doesn't matter B.Take your time C.Don't mention it D.Take it easy 3.Some business owners are keen on public welfare. This is local services have been funded. A.whether B.what C.where D.how 4.Della turned all of her pockets inside out only to find $ 1.87 buy Jim a present for Christmas. A.with what to B.with that she can C.in which to D.with which to 5.All the dishes in this menu, _____ otherwise stated, will serve two to three people. A.as B.if C.though D.unless 6.It’s supposed to be the end of the paperback(简装书) and the __________ of digital media, but some bookstores are surviving the Internet Age with surprising success. A.deadline B.dawn C.dusk D.departure 7.Playing with their peers, children learn to and not do exactly what they want to do. A.compromise B.compete C.contribute D.construct 8.What I love most about reading novels is ______ the authors vividly describe the characters. A.what B.why C.how D.whom 9.What actually ______ the accident has not yet been determined. A.brought out B.brought on C.brought about D.brought up 10.It is immediately clear ______ the financial crisis will soon be over. A.since B.what C.when D.whether 11.Jane’s pale face suggested that she ______ ill and her parents suggested that she ______ a medical exam. A.be; should have B.was; have C.should be; had D.was; had 12.It was reported that as many as 50% of patients do not take medicine ______ directed, ______ has drawn doctor’s attention. A.when; it B.as; what C.as; which D.that; and 13.Teaching as a career is to many people owing to the long holidays. A.popular B.familiar C.attractive D.fantastic 14.Children who are not active or_____ diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly. A.what B.whose C.which D.that 15.The writer was so ________ in her work that she didn’t notice him enter the room. A.abandoned B.focused C.absorbed D.centered 16.____ which university to attend, the girl asked her teacher for advice. A.Not knowing B.Knowing not C.Not known D.Known not 17.--Jassy , you speak Chinese so fluently! --- ______. You are lying, I have to say. B. Thanks a lot for saying so. C. That’s none of your business. D. I can’t agree more. 18.—You were not listening;what troubled you? —I my coming math exam. A.am thinking about B.was thinking about C.had thought about D.will think about 19.The man was in a ________ condition with severe injuries to his legs after being attacked by a shark in far north Queensland. A.skeptical B.critical C.practical D.physical 20.I would persuade her to make room for you ______it be necessary. A.could B.might C.should D.would 第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 21.(6分) “With depressingly few exceptions, performances are dull and lack vitality… After years of trying to convince myself otherwise, I now feel sure that ballet is dying.” -----Jennifer Homans, Apollo’s Angels Is ballet dead? Has the art form evolved to depression? Jennifer Homans’s conclusion to her fascinating history of ballet, Apollo’s Angels, is worrying. It appears that ballet’s pulse continues to beat strongly, however, especially with a Tchaikovsky defibrillator attached. So why are some dance commentators arguing that ballet is dying? And do they have a point? “Ballet is dead”----“Ballet is dying” ---all ring tones of Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophical claim: “God is dead.” Headline grabbling, certainly. Yet can ballet be defined in such black and white terms? Surely it is more abstract, filled with shades of popular grey. ① To start with, how do you define ballet? What is ballet today? Consider popular modern classics like Twyla Tharp’s In the Upper Room, where dancers wear pointy shoes and sneakers, combining contemporary and classical vocabulary together. Or closer to home, there is Graeme Murphy’s Swan Lake, which layers elements of Petipa’s choreography(编舞) with a contemporary theme and aesthetic. Many contemporary choreographers all embrace classical form and principles, then manipulate(操纵) the rules. ② . The line between contemporary dance and ballet is vague. In an interview with The Telegraph (2015), British choreographer Mattew Bourne acknowledges that this “cross-fertilisation” between contemporary dance and ballet continues to grow, as evidenced by the rise in new commissions from contemporary choreographers at the Royal Ballet and English National Ballet. Referring to Homans’s book,

