Date of Issue:March 1993 Affected Publlcatlon:API R?Practice 1107.Pipeline Main1enance Welding Practices,Third Edition,April 1991(all printings)ERRATA On page 4,a paragraph was omit;it should bt insmed as follYWs:CJ,ange tl&t designation of tl&t CMTTent paragraph terili,to Acceptance Criteria;add tl&t new Paragraph,Method o/Tesling.Paragraph,Method o/Tesli.ng,should read as fol lows: Method of Testing The tmsile-strength specimens shall be llolreo WJder ten sile load.using equipment capable of muriog the load at which failure occurs.The terwile strength shall be computed by dividing the maximum load at failure by the smallest cross-sectional area of the specimen,u measured before the load is applied.Pipeline Maintenance Welding Practices API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1107 THIRD EDITION,APRIL 1991 American Petroleum Institute 1220 L Street,Northwest Washington,D.C.20005.l?Pipeline Maintenance Welding Practices Transportation Department API RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 1107 THIRD EDITION,APRIL 1991 American Petroleum Institute JP SPECIAL NOTES I.API PUBLICATIONS NECESSARILY ADDRESS PROBLEMS OF A GENERALNATURE.WITH RESPECT TO PARTICULAR CIRCUMSTANCES,LOCAL,STATE,AND FEDERAL LAWS ANO REGULATIONS SHOULD BE REVIEWED.2.API IS NOT UNDERTAKING TO MEET THE DUTIES OF EMPLOYERS,MANUFACTURERS,OR SUPPLIERS TO WARN AND PROPERLY TRAIN AND EQUIPTHEIR EMPLOYEES,AND OTHERS EXPOSED,CONCERNING HEALTH ANDSAFETY RISKS ANO PRECAUTIONS,NOR UNDERTAKING THEIR OBLIGATIONSUNDER LOCAL,STATE.OR FEDERAL LAWS.3.INFORMATION CONCERNING SAFETY AND HEALTH RISKS AND PROPERPRECAUTIONS WITH RESPECT TO PARTICULAR MATERIALS AND CONDITIONS SHOULD BE OBTAINED FROM THE EMPLOYER,THE MANUFACTUREROR SUPPLIER OF THAT MATERIAL,OR THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET.4.NOTHING CONTAINED IN ANY API PUBLICATION IS TO BE CONSTRUED ASGRANTING ANY RIGHT,BY IMPLIC.XrION OR OTHERWISE,FOR THE MANUFACTURE,SALE,OR USE OF ANY METHOD,APPARATUS,OR PRODUCT COVERED BY LETTERS PATENT.NEITHER SHOULD ANYTHING CONTAJNED INTHE PUBLICATION BE CONSTRUED AS INSURlNG ANYONE AGAINST LIABILITY FOR INFRINGEMENT or LETTERS PATENT.5.GENERALLY,API STANDARDS ARE REVIEWED AND REVISED,REAFFIRMED,OR WITHDRAWN AT LEAST EVERY FIVE YEARS.SOMETfMES A ONETIME EXTENSION OF UP TO TWO YEARS WILL BE ADDED TO THIS REVIEWCYCLE.THIS PUBLICATION WILL NO LONGER BE IN EFFECr FIVE YEARS AFTER ITS PUBLICATION DATE AS AN OPERATIVE API STANDARD OR,WHEREAN EXTENSION HAS BEEN GRANTED,UPON REPUBLICATION.STATUS OF THEPUBLICATION CAN BE ASCERTAINED FROM THE API AUTHORING DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE(202)682-8000.A CATALOG OF API PUBLICATIONS ANDMATERIALS IS PUBLISHED ANNUALLY AND UPDATED QUARTERLY BY API,1220 L STREET,N.W.,WASlflNGTON,D.C.20005.Copyright 1991 American Petroleum Institute FOREWORD This recommended practice was prepared by a committee which included representatives of the American Petroleum Institute,the American Gas Association,the Pipeline Contractors Association,the American Welding Society,the American Society for Nondestructive Testing,and the pipe manufacturers and individuals associated with related industries,and it presents methods for producing high-quality maintenance welds on piping systems.These methods require that the welds be performed by qualified welders who use approved welding procedures,materials,and equipment.This recommended practice also presents methods for inspecting these welds.The use of this recommended practice is voluntary,and it is intended to apply to the maintenance gas welding and arc welding of piping used in the compression,pumping,and transmission of crude petroleum,petroleum products,and fuel gases.It.is also intended to apply,where applicable,to the distribution systems of these products.This recommended practice represents the combined efforts of many engineers who are responsible for the design,construction,and operation of oil and gas pipelines,and the committee appreciatively acknowledges their whole-hearted and valuable assistance.API publications may be used by anyone desiring to do so.Every effort has been made by the Institute to assure the accuracy and reliability of the data contained in them;however,the Institute makes no representation,warranty,or guarantee in connection with this publication and hereby expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for loss or damage resulting from its use or for the violation of any federal,state,or municipal regulation with which this publication may conflict.Suggested revisions are invited and should be submitted to the director of the Transportation Department,American Petroleum Institute,1220 L Street,N.W.,Washington,D.C.20005.m API-AGA JOINT COMMITTEE ON OIL AND GAS PIPELINE FIELD WELDING PRACTICES E.L.Von Rosenberg,ChairmanDale Wilson,Vice-ChairmanFrank Orr,Secretary American Petroleum Institute John K.Mccarron Chuck Royer E.L.Von RosenbergDale WilsonAmerican Gas Association Alan S.Beckett Marshall L.Farley Alan C.Holk Frank Orr Pipeline Contractors Association Frank E.Everett.ITT R.Pe