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2023 英文 导游
此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。 英文导游词 篇一:导游词英文 篇一:英语导游词 各位游客朋友们, 大家好!我先代表我们西西旅行社真诚的欢迎大家!我叫林玺,我将陪伴你们游玩龙岩,今 天和我一起为大家效劳的呢还有我身边的这位张师傅,张师傅驾驶技术娴熟,他的大巴车号 码是f-12345。如果你有什么问题和特殊的要求,请告诉我们,我们会尽力让你们在龙岩有 一个愉快的旅程。 there are over 23000 earth buildings of different styles in yongding,the main styles of which are mansion-style, square and round.among them , there are over 360 round earth buildings,which are most typical. 我们今天将要去参 观的是被称为是世界上独一无二的山区建筑,神秘的东方古堡——永定土楼。世界上所有的 民居建筑,永定土楼以其悠久的历史、独一无二的外形、壮丽的规模、巧妙的结构、完整的 功能以及丰富的文化内涵被誉为是中国传统的五大民居之一,被誉为中国古代建筑奇观。 today the place we’ll visit is the hakka earth building folk and culture village at hongkeng of yongding.because we have too many earth buildings here, so today we will visit the most famous zhencheng building,which is known as the prince of earth buildings. zhencheng building is made up of two circles: the outside one is earth structure and the inside one is brick structure. the outside wall is 16 meters high, kitchens and dining rooms are on the first floor, warehouses are on the second floor, bedrooms are on the third and the forth floor. there are 218 bedrooms here, now more than 40 families are living in the building. ok my dear guest, my first question for you! why there isn’t any windows on the first and second floor as a matter of fact, when hakkas moved here, they was frequently invaded by other nations. so once they close the main gate and the two doors beside, it was difficult for the enemies to break in. and this is one of the 5 functions of the earth building------defence. 振成楼由内外两环 楼构成,外环是土木结构的,内环那么是砖木结构。他的外墙高16米,一层为厨房、膳厅,二 楼是仓库,三四层是卧室。共有218个房间,现在还有40多户人家住在土楼里。好,各位游 客,我的第一个问题来了,有谁知道,为什么土楼的一二层都不设窗户呢?原来啊,客家人 刚迁移到这里的时候,常遇外敌入侵,只要关上大门和左右两个边门,敌人就很难入侵了。 ok now let’s go into the building. do you feel warm yeah, since the wall is thick, it can prevent heat and keep warm. so it’s warm in winter and cool in summer. 好,现在我们走进 土楼里面去看看。 just not go to other units.what’s more, people have dug two wells in the building which will provide the water for the fire. 大家看,在楼内的 每个单元之间,都设有防火墙。通常,一个单元就是一户人家,当把防火门关上时,你就拥 有自己的空间,当翻开防火门时,整个楼就是一个大家庭。还要向各位说一说土楼的第三个 功能—防火功能。 the most conscious trait of the design of the earth building is quakeproof. in the last two years, since wenchuan and yushu earthquake have happened in our country, the quakeproof function of the building was greatly concerned. fortunately, the ancestors here took consider of this function hundreds of years ago. look, the outside circle tilted inwards as it went up and became the wall which is . besides, some bamboo and firs were put into the wall in order to strengthen the pull and prevent the quake. 土楼的设计最大的特色莫过于他的防震功能。近两年,我们国家经历了汶川大地震、玉树大 地震等,房屋防震功能的考虑越来越受到人们的重视。但是土楼的先民们在百年前就考虑到 了这个重要的功能。大家请看外环楼的墙体,他是随着高度的增加渐向内倾斜,形成下大上 小、向心力强的墙体。 there is another important function, that is environmental friendly. the earth building is made of earth, when it is pulled down, it’s still earth. this attracts the great attention of environmentalists. 土楼还有一个重要的功能,那就是环保功能了。 以上就是土楼的五 大功能,由于时间关系,今天的土楼讲解就先告于段落了,在即将结束我们的土楼游览的时 候,我也再次代表我们西西旅行社非常欢迎大家可以再来感受我们土楼的魅力,谢谢! 鼓浪屿 today we will visit gulangyu islet after breakfast,our tour bus awaits outside,so please take your personal belongings and follow my instructions to board the bus.it will take us 5 minute to get to the ferry. 厦门有句名言:到厦门不游鼓浪屿不算真正到厦门。更准确的说,除非你游览过日光岩,走 上天风台,登上日光岩最顶峰才算真正到过厦门。现在我们将从前门进入日光岩景区。我们 在龙头山,进入大门内,来到的是厦门最为著名的寺庙——日光岩寺。日光岩寺又称“莲花庵〞。 它建立于明朝,在1956年得到重修,已经有四百多年的历史了。 turing right we will go to the memory hall of zheng chenggong, inside the memory hall we will see a bronze statue of him .words describing his entire life are cared at the bottom of it .the form on its right has shown all of the great events in his life. he was born in japan in 1624 and returned to china at the age of 7. on april 21st ,1661,he led his troops to taiwan and retake it from the dutch after they had colonized it for over 38 years.he died in taiwan the follow year,1662,at the tender age of 39. in memory of him,we have displayed some photos and modles to show the places he visited and the battle ship he used. after visiting the zheng chenggong memorial hall, now we are going through the old summer cave.its name suggests that people liked to escape to its cool interior during sweltering summers,go upstairs and we can see a gate in front of us.this is the entrance to the dragon head hill fortress.the gate was 157cm.the same height as zheng chenggong.so if you are taller than that you need to bow,just as if you were showing respect this great person. 向右走我们来到的 是郑成功纪念博物馆,在纪念博物馆里我们可以看到他的青铜像。在雕像的上方,有用文字 记载着许多他一生的相关事迹。在其右边展现了他一生的伟大事迹。郑成功,出生于1624 年,日本,在七岁时回国。1661年4月21日,他带着军队,收复了荷兰殖民者统治三十八 年的台湾。次年1662,郑成功逝世,年仅三十九岁。为了可以加深对他的了解,我们可以浏 览一些照片以及他曾经游览过的地方、所用过的战船。 ok,let’s go out the memory hall now. though the peak of sunlight rock is not very high,only 92.7 meters above sea level,but it will give you a fine view below and beyond ,a scenic that generously and candidly unwinds before you .now i cant wait to take you to th

