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2023 TED 英语演讲 每天 秒钟
此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。 TED英语演讲:每天一秒钟   你的生命中曾经有过很多美妙、欢乐、或伤感的时刻,那么你是如何记录这些时刻的呢 栗山-塞萨尔导演(Cesar Kuriyama)发起了一个工程,每天都为自己录制一秒钟,记录下生活的瞬间。Cesar 认为虽然之前有人尝试用图片记录生活点滴,但是视频包含了声音和动作,更加直观生动。试想一下,如果你现在开始记录生活中的每一秒,2023年后,你相当于为自己拍了一部约2 小时的电影。下面是小编为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:每天一秒钟,欢迎借鉴参考。   演说题目:One second every day   演说者:Cesar Kuriyama   So, I'm an artist. I live in New York, and I've been working in advertising for -- ever since I left school,so about seven, eight years now, and it was draining. I worked a lot of late nights. I worked a lot of weekends, and I found myself never having time for all the projects that I wanted to work on on my own.   我是一名艺术家。我住在纽约,从事广告设计,从毕业开始我就一直做这行,至今已经七、八年了,慢慢的感觉有点厌倦了。我熬了很多夜,在办公室度过了很多的周末,我发现自己一直没有时间来做我真正想做的个人工程。   And one day I was at work and I saw a talk by Stefan Sagmeister on TED, and it was called &The power of time off,& and he spoke about how every seven years, he takes a year off from work so he could do his own creative projects, and I was instantly inspired, and I just said, &I have to do that. I have to take a year off. I need to take time to travel and spend time with my family and start my own creative ideas.&   有一天我在工作的时候看到了施德明(Stefan Sagmeister)在TED上的演讲,主题叫〞;时间流逝的力量〞;,他提到他每过七年,就拿出一年时间来休假,抛开工作,做自己的富有创造力的工程,我的思路被他翻开了,然后我说:〞;我也要这么干,我要休一年的假。〞; “;我需要时间旅行,陪伴家人,〞; “;开始自己的富有创造力的想法。〞;   So the first of those projects ended up being something I called &One Second Every Day.& Basically I'm recording one second of every day of my life for the rest of my life, chronologically compiling these one-second tiny slices of my life into one single continuous video until, you know, I can't record them anymore.   我的工程中,第一个工程的名字叫 “;每天一秒钟〞;。大意就是我每天都坚持给自己录一秒钟的视频,下半辈子一直坚持下去,慢慢的将这些一秒钟的视频拼接起来,将我的生活的片段拼接成一段连续的视频,直到我没有能力再录制这些视频为止。   The purpose of this project is, one: I hate not remembering things that I've done in the past. There's all these things that I've done with my life that I have no recollection of unless someone brings it up, and sometimes I think, &Oh yeah, that's something that I did.&   工程的目的是,第一:我不喜欢忘记自己过去做过的事情。有很多我之前做过的事情,我都想不起来了,直到有人提起来的时候,我或许才能想起来,〞;对哦,我还做过这件事情。〞;   And something that I realized early on in the project was that if I wasn't doing anything interesting, I would probably forget to record the video. So the day -- the first time that I forgot, it really hurt me, because it's something that I really wanted to --from the moment that I turned 30, I wanted to keep this project going until forever, and having missed that one second, I realized, it just kind of created this thing in my head where I never forgot ever again.   在这个工程开始的早期阶段我发现 如果今天过的不是很有趣,我可能会忘记录制视频。所以有一天,当我第一次忘记录制视频的时候,我非常的难过,我真的不想漏掉自己的生活记录。从我三十岁那时起,我就希望能够将这个工程延续到我死掉,而漏录了那天的一秒钟,我意识到,某种意义上这让我的脑子 再也不会忘记这件事情了。   So if I live to see 80 years of age, I'm going to have a five-hour video that encapsulates 50 years of my life. When I turn 40, I'll have a one-hour video that includes just my 30s. This has really invigorated me day-to-day, when I wake up, to try and do something interesting with my day.   所以如果我能活到80岁,我的视频能够到达5个小时长度,浓缩了我50年的生活。当我到了40岁的时候,是1个小时,从我30岁开始算。这个工程让我每天醒来都生龙活虎 想着今天要做哪些有趣的事情才好。   Now, one of the things that I have issues with is that, as the days and weeks and months go by, time just seems to start blurring and blending into each other and, you know, I hated that, and visualization is the way to trigger memory. You know, this project for me is a way for me to bridge that gap and remember everything that I've done. Even just this one second allows me to remember everything else I did that one day.   现在,我要处理的问题之一就是,随着时间一天一天、一个月一个月的过去,日子似乎变得模糊起来边界变得不那么明显 你们知道,我不喜欢这种感觉,而可以看见的影像是激发回忆的方式。这个工程对我而言就是一座让我能够回忆起我过去生活的桥梁 即使只是短短的一秒钟的视频,也能让我回忆起一整天的事情。   It's difficult, sometimes, to pick that one second. On a good day, I'll have maybe three or four seconds that I really want to choose, but I'll just have to narrow it down to one,but even narrowing it down to that one allows me to remember the other three anyway.   有时候要在一天中选择一秒钟并不容易。美好的一天里,我真的想要 多录制三秒或四秒,但是我只能把它压缩到一秒,但是即使压缩到了只有一秒钟,也足以让我记住一整天的回忆。   It's also kind of a protest, a personal protest, against the culture we have now where people just are at concerts with their cell phones out recording the whole concert, and they're disturbing you. They're not even enjoying the show. They're watching the concert through their cell phone. I hate that.   这个工程也是一种个人的抗议行为,抗议这样的一种现象、一种人,他们参加音乐会时会用 把整场音乐会 都录下来,并且打搅了你欣赏音乐。他们可能根本不喜欢这个音乐会。他们在 上观看音乐会。我不喜欢这样。   I admittedly used to be that guy a little bit, back in the day, and I've decided that the best way for me to still capture and keep a visual memory of my life and not be that person, is to just record that one second that will allow me to trigger that memory of, &Yeah, that concert was amazing. I really loved that concert.& And it just takes a quick, quick second.   我成认或多或少的我也曾经如此。而我后来意识到,让自己记录和保存视频资料,同时又防止成为 我不喜欢的那种人的最好的方法就是,只录一秒钟的时

