Source:Switching Power Supply Design,Third Edition Abraham I.Pressman,Keith Billings,Taylor Morey coverSwitching Power Supply Design Third Edition Abraham I.Pressman Keith Billings Taylor Morey New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan New DelhiSan Juan Seoul Singapore Sydney Toronto Abraham I.Pressman,Keith Billings,Taylor Morey i Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data McGraw-Hill books are available at special quantity discounts to use as premiums and sales promotions,or for use in corporate training programs.To contact a special sales representative,please visit the Contact Us page at .Switching Power Supply Design,Third Edition Copyright 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies.All rights reserved.Printed in the United States of America.Except as permitted under the Copyright Act of 1976,no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means,or stored in a database or retrieval system,without the prior written permission of publisher.1234567890 DOC DOC 019 ISBN 978-0-07-148272-1 MHID 0-07-148272-5 Sponsoring Editor Wendy Rinaldi Acquisitions Coordinator Joya Anthony Production Supervisor George Anderson Art Director,Cover Jeff Weeks Editorial Supervisor Janet Walden Proofreader Paul Tyler Composition International Typesetting and Composition Cover Designer Jeff Weeks Project Editor LeeAnn Pickrell Indexer Ted Laux Illustration International Typesetting and Composition Information has been obtained by McGraw-Hill from sources believed to be reliable.However,because of the possibility of human or mechanical error by our sources,McGraw-Hill,or others,McGraw-Hill does not guarantee the accuracy,adequacy,or completeness of any information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or the results obtained from the use of such information.Abraham I.Pressman,Keith Billings,Taylor Morey iiIn fond memory of Abraham Pressman,master of the art,19152001.Immortalized by his timeless writings and his legacya gift of knowledge for future generations.To Anne Pressman,for her help and encouragement on the third edition.To my wife Diana for feeding the brute and allowing him to neglect her,yet again!Abraham I.Pressman,Keith Billings,Taylor Morey iii Abraham I.Pressman,Keith Billings,Taylor Morey ivAbout the Authors Abraham I.Pressman was a nationally known power supply consultant and lecturer.His background ranged from an Army radar officer to over four decades as an analog-digital design engineer in industry.He held key design roles in a number of significant“firsts”in electronics over more than a half century:the first particle accelerator to achieve an energy over one billion volts,the first high-speed printer in the computer industry,the first spacecraft to take pictures of the moons surface,and two of the earliest textbooks on computer logic circuit design using transistors and switching power supply design,respectively.Mr.Pressman was the author of the first two editions of Switching Power Supply Design.Keith Billings is a Chartered Electronic Engineer and author of the Switchmode Power Supply Handbook,published by McGraw-Hill.Keith spent his early years as an apprentice mechanical instrument maker(at awage of four pounds a week)and followed this with a period of regular service in the Royal Air Force,servicing navigational instruments including automatic pilots and electronic compass equipment.Keith went into government service in the then Ministry of War and specialized in the design of special test equipment for military applications,including the UK3 satellite.During this period,he became qualified to degree standard by an arduous eight-year stint of evening classes(in those days,the only avenue open to the lower middle-class in England).For the last 44 years,Keith has specialized in switchmode power supply design and manufacturing.At the age of 75,he still remains active in the industry and owns the consulting company DKB Power,Inc.,in Guelph,Canada.Keith presents the late Abe Pressmans four-day course on power supply design(now converted to a Power Point presentation)and also a one-day course of his own on magnetics,which is the design of transformers and inductors.He is now a recognized expert in this field.It is a sobering thought to realize he now earns more in one day than he did in a whole year as an apprentice.Abraham I.Pressman,Keith Billings,Taylor Morey vKeith was an avid yachtsman for many years,but he now flies gliders as a hobby,having built a high-performance sailplane in 1993.Keith“touched the face of god,”achieving an altitude of 22,000 feet in wave lift at Minden,Nevada,in 1994.Taylor Morey,currently a professor of electronics at Conestoga College in Kitchener,Ontario,Canada,is coauthor of an electronics devices textbook and has taught courses at Wilfred Laurier University in Waterloo.He collaborates with Keith Billings as an independent power supply engineer and consultant and previously worked in switchmode power supp