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财富 演讲
财富演讲稿4篇   the wrd wealth always reminds peple f mney and the sayings r cncepts related t mney. fr eample, “mney talks”; “mney makes the ghsts turn the mill”; “as birds die fr fd, s men die fr wealth”; “the pr have n friends even thugh they live in the nisy dwntwn, while the rich have remte kinsflk even if they live in the deep muntains”; “pverty chills ambitin” “ne cent shrt may put a her in an awkward situatin” etc, etc..   in the 1980’ s, all shps were state-wned with marked prices. yu culdn’t buy what yu wanted with even ne cent shrt, s ne cent culd indeed embarrass a her. a ppular sng at that time started “i picked up ne cent at the radside, and i handed it ver t the pliceman…” but nw n ne cares t pick it up even if it were ten cents.   peple’s reverence fr mney is epressed in varied ways. the names f cmpanies r stres are ften “beer f wealth and hnr”, “restaurant f wealth and rank” “stre f the aristcrats” “htel f fame and prestige” etc. (even sme peple’s names have the meanings f “full f gld” r “great frtune”). at new year’s time, the gd f wealth is wrshiped and the picture f the gd is cvered with signs f mney. when a millinaire is walking in the street, peple will shw their prfund re   欢迎到阅读《英语演讲稿——wealth,财富》   spect even thugh they knw very well that they can nt get a cent frm him. the english film “the millin-pund nte” makes a mst vivid revelatin f this situatin. with the millin pund nte in hand, the her has the privilege t buy n credit, r n lan and is eveney frm thers. it’s an idealized end f the stry that the her is still lved by his girl friend even after he lst his millin-pund nte. hwever, withut the millin-pund nte, they culdn’t have knwn each ther. it’s very difficult fr peple t make friends directly with beggars.   the sng f “all gd things must end” in a dream f the red mansins attacks the mney wrshipers by saying:   “all men lng t be immrtals   yet silver and gld they prize   and grub fr mney all their lives   till death seals up their eyes”   but when chen shih-yin tries t epund this sng by analyzing the incnstancy f human relatinships and the incmprehensible human heart, he has t say:   “while men with gld and silver by the chest   turn beggars, scrned by all and dispnclusin is that it desn’t wney.   in spite f the human civilizatins ver thusands f years, peple can nt deny the functin f mney. this shws hw imprt   欢迎到阅读《英语演讲稿——wealth,财富》   ant mney is. mney plays a decisive rle t individuals, t families and even t cuntries r natinalities. therwise, why is everyne, frm drkeepers t presidents, trying t earn as much as pssible? why des every cuntry need chancellrs f the echequer, wh keep frmulating and revising financial laws and regulatins? hw different it is t be a creditr natin and a debtr natin! the united states is playing the tyrant just because it is wealthy enugh. a pr man may cherish lfty aspiratins, but will prbably be beaten because f his pverty. the afghanistan may have wn a lt f sympathy, but hw difficult it wuld be t live slely n charity.   f all ages and in every cuntry, all kinds f crruptin stem frm mney. n matter hw rugh the man is, and in what despicable way he earned the mney, he can grease the palms f r buy ver sme very decent fficials r even intellectuals. can yu see hw crucial a rle mney is playing? (a case in pint is the bankrupt f the cmpany)   sme peple r rganizatins like sme religius grups claim that they have seen thrugh the human vanity and can take mney lightly, but t peple’s puzzlement, they are als accumulating mney, either t renvate the temples, r t regild buddha’s statues, in whatever prete   欢迎到阅读《英语演讲稿——wealth,财富》   ts. they are nt engaged in prductin, s they can nly depend n the dnatins frm the devut believers. smetimes yur sincerity relies n whether yu dnate and hw much yu dnate. d the mnkney? the answer is affirmative. what’s mre, many mnks are already prvided with a salary.   we are living in a material wrld, and it’s really difficult t deny the functin f mney r wealth. we need mney fr fd, clthes, educatin, hspital, husing and transprtatin, etc. there’s rarely anything that desn’t need mney. what we can discuss nw is nt the imprtance f mney, but whether mney is almighty and whether mre wealth can bring us mre happiness.   we must say that mney is nt almighty, and there are many things which mney can’t d. fr eample, many emperrs like qin shihuang lnged fr eliirs. as wealthy as they were, and as mighty as they were t take every measure t search fr lng life medicine, they still culd nt avid the sad denuement that “their graves are a cvered with weeds”.   many great men suffered frm fatal illness. even thugh they were treated with the best medical means, they had t suffer as much as the rdinary peple, and met with the same inescapable fate. rich r pr, great r rdinary, we cme and g with   欢迎到阅读《英语演讲稿——wealth,财富》   nthing belnging t us.   huang shiren, the cruel hearted landlrd, was rich but i’er wuld rather hid in the deep muntains and

