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2023 TheTravelGuideofMacau 澳门 旅游 指南
The,Travel,Guide,of,Macau,澳门旅游指南 篇一:2023 澳门旅游攻略 2023 澳门旅游攻略(Macau) 游记/购物/交通/美食 澳门游记 澳门旅游地图 dyno 楼 在线dyno 发表于 2023-7-21 23:52:25 |只看该作者 时间 按Ctrl+D,把十六番放入珍藏夹!看澳门(免费交通,购物,美食)最新攻略游记。 5416 十六番_澳门 小时 官方微博: 注册时间 2023目录: -8-11、简介澳门签注/出入境,货币,银联卡,卡,免费WIFI,插座 3 2、景点威尼斯人度假村,大三巴,妈阁庙,渔人码头,龙环葡韵,大炮台,黑沙海精华 滩等 21 3、交通香港往返澳门,珠海往返澳门,广州到澳门,内地直达澳门,澳门免费巴士 主题 4、酒店威尼斯人,金沙酒店,新葡京酒店 361 5、美食玛嘉烈蛋挞,义顺牛奶公司,黄枝记,柠檬车露,小飞象,盛记白粥 帖子 6、购物大运河购物中心,一号广场,永利名店街,渔人码头,手信采购地,免税店 1586 7、娱乐活动娱乐场,赛马、赛狗,夜生活,步行 8、常见咨询答往返香港澳门签注次数咨询题,香港迪士尼到澳门如何走 9、一日游经典道路香港去澳门一日游,珠海去澳门一日游 1、澳门简介 澳门位于中国东南沿海的珠江三角洲,间隔香港约六十公里。澳门地区由澳门半岛以及氹仔和路环两个离岛组成,它们由大桥和公路相连接。澳门的历史城区保存了相当番主 多的老建筑,已被列入世界文化遗产。 澳门市区不大,依托公交车即可方便地在城区巡游。市区内随处可见的教堂和欧式建筑充满异域风情,步行巡游也特别适宜。除了观光,澳门的娱乐业特别兴旺,同时也是购物的好地点。这里不容错过的还有美食,当地的土生葡菜值得尝试,还有诱人的葡式蛋挞。 澳门旅游塔 大三巴牌坊 澳门全景 (点击图片可看大图) 澳门地图 澳门旅游根本信息 1)澳门签注/出入境(去澳门要办什么证?) 港澳通行证办理 去澳门需要一证一签,往来港澳通行证+签注。要参与赴澳门个人游的游客,需要持户籍证明,向户口所在地的公安机关出入境治理部门,申请办理。初次办理通行证费用是100元,使用期限5年,澳门签注20元一次。初次办理时间在15个工作日左右。 2)澳门币兑换 澳门元实时汇率换算 澳门的官方货币单位是澳门币 (PATACA)。纸币面额计有10元、20元、50元、100元、500元及1000元六种;硬币有1毫、2毫、5毫、1元、2元和5元六种。在澳门售卖的商品和所提供的效劳收费一律以澳门币计算。1美元约兑换澳门币8元。港币100元约兑换澳门币103元。银行、酒店或银号均提供兑换外币和旅行支票的效劳,而且地点适中,十分方便。另外,澳门国际机场和葡京酒店内提供二十四小时兑换外币效劳。本地或外地货币可自由出入境,数量不限。此外,信誉卡也能够在澳门部份商店流通使用。 3)银联卡/信誉卡在澳门的使用 澳门大局部酒店、商场、餐厅都接受信誉卡,包括官也街上的一些饭馆也能够使用信誉卡。不过依然有不少小吃店、私人店铺等不能刷卡,因此预备适量的现金也特别有必要。 银联卡在澳门也被广泛接受,在特别多地点都能够刷卡消费,能够看看商店是否贴有银联标识或询咨询店员。银联卡也能够从ATM机上直截了当取澳门币,不过依照不同发卡行的规定,可能会收取一定的手续费。 4)/卡 澳门的通讯方便快捷,电讯网络覆盖面广,公用分布市区各处,所有本地通讯联络每次使用收费为澳门币1元,可通话五分钟;不管在各大酒店或公用亭,都可使用直拨国际效劳,也可使用卡。澳门半岛及离岛都有接受硬币和卡的公用亭。 篇二:澳门旅游英语指南 Macau Travel Guide The name of Macau is derived from the word Magao (A-Ma Temple), which were shrines dedicated to Mazu, a sacred sea goddess respected by Macau people. It was said that in the middle of sixteenth century when the Portuguese first set foot there, one of the officers asked a fisherman the name of the land. The man misunderstanding the officers meaning, answered Magao - the name of A-Ma Temple in front them. The word became the Portuguese name for the land and for nearly 400 years, the Portuguese ruled here prior to Macaus official return to the Peoples Republic of China on December 20, 1999 as a special administrative region. The land of Macau when compared with other Chinese metropolises unlike Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou is quite small covering an area of just 27.5 square kilometers. The total population Macau is 469,800 of which 95% are Chinese, the remainder being Portuguese and other westerners. Macau Flag The majority resides on the Macau Peninsular where you can find a variety of both Oriental and Western cultural and historical places of interest and all sorts of old buildings that are either European baroque or traditional Chinese in style. The blend of people, culture and history has influences on every aspect of life in the city. A wander around the Macau Peninsular will bring you into a world of antiques and fashion, traditional and modern, as well as tranquility and glitz.Most travelers who have been to Macau conclude that it is a location suited to both tourism and living as it is a beautiful city with clean streets, gardens and picturesque hilly landscapes. Sunshine, clear air, green lands and all sorts of delicious food all contribute to its many attractions.Wandering around is the best way to explore the citys numerous historical and cultural heritages. Popular sightseeing places that form part of a travelers itinerary are spread all over the Macau Peninsular. Largo do Senado, the splendid main square with surrounding simple, elegant Portuguese and baroque style buildings is the busiest downtown area of the city. Clothing shops, curio markets, pharmacies, snack stalls and jewelry shops housed in the narrow alleyways that radiate from the square sell dazzling items. A northerly walk leads tourists to the featured attractions of the city Ruins of St. Pauls, a former screen wall of St. Pauls Church and the Monte Fort, one of the best-preserved forts in Macau. The Museum of Macau, to the right of the ruins, tells all stories on the citys past. Situated at the base of Penha Peninsula in the southwest part of the city is A-Ma Temple, built in the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644), which is dedicated to the sacred goddess A-Ma. During the festival seasons, thousands of devout prayers come to visit the temple. In the southern part of the Peninsular, the New Reclaimed Area and the Outer Harbor Area, compared with the more traditional central and western areas, is the newly-developed region on which the modern aspect of the city can be found. There are many luxurious hotels housing various gambling casinos and these venues are packed with people from all over the world when the night comes. Numerous museums in these two areas present the essence of Macaus culture and history including Macau Wine Museum, Grand Prix Museum,Macau Art Museum, etc. The two outlying islands of Taipa and Coloane, connected to the Macau Peninsular by two bridges feature tranquil natural an

