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2023 犯罪 术语
犯罪术语(7)   police brutality 警察暴力   The act of using excessive physical force by police or other law enforcement officers.   警察或其他执法人员过多使用体罚的行为。   例句:   The infamous Rodney King beating in L.A. showed the public at how rampant police brutality is.   发生在洛杉矶的不荣耀的罗德尼金毒打案向公众展示了警察暴行是多少猖狂。   police corruption 警察腐败   The misuse of police power in return for favors of gain.   警察滥用权力以换取好处和利益。   例句:   The mayor is working to put an end to police corruption in this city.   市长正致力于肃清本市的警察腐败。   pornoshop 色情商店   A shop or bookstore that sells pornographic materials.   出售色情物品的商店。   例句:   The local pornoshop has been shut down form selling materials to minors.   当地的色情商店因向未成年人出售色情物品而被关闭。   prison break 越狱   An escape from prison involving violence by one or more prisoners.   一个或多个囚犯使用暴力从监狱逃跑。   例句:   Two guards and two inmates were killed in a prison break in Texas, yesterday.   昨天在得克萨斯州发生一起越狱案,两名卫兵和两名囚犯被杀死。   property crime 财产犯罪   Auto theft, burglary, larceny, etc.   偷汽车、入室盗窃、盗窃等。   例句:   This section of town has been plagued with property crimes.   这个城区的财产犯罪非常猖獗。   serial killer 系列命案的杀手,连环杀手   A murder who commits a series of killings, usually with distinct similarities in the murders.   制造多起命案的凶手,其作案手段通常有明显类似之处。   例句:   Doesn’t it seems a little inappropriate to put serial killers on trading cards.   将系列命案的凶手印在商业卡片上是不是有些不适宜?   sin tax 罪孽税   Tax that is imposed on cigarettes, liquor, gambling, etc.   对香烟、精、赌博等开征的税收。   例句:   Many people complain about the sin tax in Utah.   许多人抱怨犹他州过高的罪孽税。   skid row 贫民街,贫民窟   A rundown section of a city characterized by drunkards living on the street.   城市的破旧区域,常见到许多酒鬼露宿街头。   例句:   After his divorce, Mike became a drunk down on skid row.   离婚之后,迈克尔沦落为贫民街的酒鬼。   slush fund 贿金   Money that is used to bribe public politicians and other influential officials   用来贿赂知名政客或其他有阻碍力的官员的资金。   例句:   Lobbyists use slush fund to bribe public officials.   院外集团的说客用贿金拉拢政府官员。   statutory rape 法定强奸罪   Sexual intercourse with a female who has consented, but who is legally incapable of consent because she is underage.   与未成年女子发生的性行为,虽经其本人同意,但法律规定其尚未成年,不具备表达同意意愿的才能。   例句:   What is the penalty for statutory rape   对法定强奸罪的惩罚是什么?   suicide pact 自杀合约   An agreement between two or more persons to commit suicide together.   一起自杀的两者或多者之间的协议。   例句:   The whole high school was shocked at the news of the two classmates who killed themselves in a suicide pact.   两个同班同学订立自杀合约并自杀身亡的音讯使整个学校感到震惊。   suicide season 自杀季节   The Christmas season when many lonely people feel isolated and take their own lives.   指圣诞节期间,许多人孤单不堪而自杀。   例句:   December is without question, the suicide season.   十二月无疑是自杀季节。   tax evasion 逃税   The illegal attempt by a taxpayer to avoid paying his or her taxes.   纳税人企图躲避纳税的非法行为。   例句:   Bill was found guilty of tax evasion and owes the IRS over $60,000 in back taxes.   比尔被判逃税罪,他如今仍欠国内收入局六万多美元的滞纳税金。   vandalism 成心毁坏   The defacement or destruction of public or private property.   损坏或破坏公私财产的行为。   例句:   Vandalism is a major problem in inner city schools.   成心毁坏财物的行为是市内学校的一个严峻咨询题。   vice squad 警察缉捕队   Plain clothes policeman who work undercover to detect crime.   隐蔽调查犯罪的便衣警察。   例句:   Sean has been a member of the vice squad for nine years.   西恩在缉捕队工作已经9年了。   vigilante 治安维持会   A person or group who takes the responsibility of a law enforcement officer into their won hands.   承担执法人员维持治安责任的个人和群体。   例句:   The subway vigilante in New York was in the media for weeks.   纽约地铁治安维持会几周来遭到了媒体的关注。   war crime 战争犯罪   Crimes that violate the customs and laws of war.   违犯战争法律和战争适应的犯罪。   例句:   The retired officer was found guilty of war crimes when evidence was uncovered during a recent investigation.   在最近的一次调查中觉察的证据证明这位退休军官曾有战争犯罪。   white-collar crime 白领犯罪   Crimes committed by persons in businesses including expense-account padding, stealing office supplies, price-fixing, product fraud, etc.   公司职员的犯罪,包括虚报开支、盗窃办公用品、私定价格、产品欺诈等。   例句:   Businesses are losing millions of dollars, and products are more expensive due to white-collar crime.   由于白领犯罪,企业界每年损失数百万美元,产品也因之更贵。

