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2023 新概念 英语 课文 中英对照
新概念英语第1册课文中英对照4   新概念英语第一册 课文中英对照4新概念英语第一册 课文中英对照4$课文103 法语考试828. How was the exam, Richard 考试考得怎样,理查德?829. Not too bad. 不算太坏,830. I think I passed in English and Mathematics. 我想我的英语和数学及格了。831. The questions were very easy. 题目很容易。加里,832. How about you, Gary 你怎么样?833. The English and Maths papers weren't easy enough for me. 英语和数学试题对我来说不很容易。834. I hope I haven't failed. 我希望别不及格。835. I think I failed the French paper. 我想我的法语及不了格,836. I could answer sixteen of the question. 我能答复其中的16道题。837. They were very easy. 这些题很容易。838. But I couldn't answer the rest. 但我答复不出其作的题。839. They were too difficult for me. 那些题对我来说太难了。840. French test are awful, aren't they 法语太可怕了,你说呢?841. I hate them. 我讨厌法语。842. I'm sure I've got a low mark. 我的法语成绩肯定很低。843. Oh, cheer up! 啊,别灰心!844. perhaps we didn't to do badly. 或许我们考得还不太糟。845. The guy next to me Wrote his name at the top of the paper. 坐在我旁边的那个人只在试卷顶端写自己的名字。846. Yes 是吗?847. Then he sat there and looked at it for three hours! 然后他就坐在那里,对着考卷看了3个小时,848. He didn't write a word! 一个字也没写!$课文105 错误百出849. Where's Sandra, Bob 鲍勃,桑德拉在哪儿?850. I want her. 我要找她。851. Do you want to speak to her 您要同她谈话吗?852. Yes, I do. I want her to come to my office. 是的,我要她到我的办公室来。853. Tell her to come at once. 叫她马上就来。854. Did you want to see me 您找我吗?855. Ah, yes, Sandra. 啊,是的,桑德拉。856. How do you spell intelligent' intelligent 怎样拼写?857. Can you tell me 你能告诉我吗?858. I-N-T-E-L-L-I-G-E-N-T. I-N-T-E-L-L-I-G-E-N-T。859. That's right. You've typed it with only one 'L'. 对的。但你只打了1个“L〞。860. This letter's full of mistakes. 这封信里错误百出。861. I want you to type it again. 我要你重打一遍。862. Yes, I'll do that. 是,我重打。863. I'm sorry about that. 对此我感到很抱歉。864. And here's a little present for you. 这里有一件小礼物送你。865. What's it 是什么?866. It's a dictionary. 是本词典。867. I hope it'll help you. 我希望它能对你有所帮助。$课文107 太小了。868. Do you like this dress,madam 夫人,您喜欢这件衣服吗?869. I like the colour very much. 我很喜欢这颜色。870. It's lovely dress, 这件漂亮的衣服,871. but it's too small for me. 可是对我来说太小了。872. What about this one It's a lovely dress. 这件怎么样?这是件漂亮的衣服。873. It's very smart. 它很时髦。874. Short skirts are in fashion now. 短裙现在很流行。875. Would you like to try it 您要试一试吗?876. All right. 好吧。877. I'm afraid this green dress it too small for me as well. 恐怕这件绿色的我穿着也太小了。878. It's smaller than the blue one. 它比那件蓝色的还要小。879. I don't like the colour either. 我也不喜欢这种颜色。880. It doesn't suit me at all. 这颜色我穿根本不适宜。881. I think the blue dress is prettier. 我认为那件蓝色的更漂亮些。882. Could you show me another blue dress 您能再给我看一件蓝色的吗?883. I want a dress like that one, 我想一件和那件一样的,884. but it must be my size. 但必须是我的尺寸。885. I'm afraid I haven't got a larger dress. 恐怕没有更大的了。886. This is the largest dress in the shop. 这是店里最大一件。$课文109 好主意887. Shall I make some coffee,Jane 我来煮点咖啡好吗,简?888. That's a good idea, Charlotte. 这是个好主意,夏洛特。889. It's ready. 咖啡好了,890. Do you want any milk 你要放点奶吗?891. Just a little, please. 请稍加一点。892. What about some sugar 加些糖怎么样?893. Two teaspoonfuls 两茶匙行吗?894. No, less than that. 不,再少一些。895. One and a half teaspoonfuls, please. 请放一勺儿半。896. That's enough for me. 那对我已足够了。897. That was very nice. 太好了。898. Would you like some more 你再来点吗?899. Yes, please. 好的,请再来一点。900. I'd like a cigarette, too. 我还想抽枝烟。901. May I have one 可以给我一枝吗?902. Of course. 当然可以。903. I think there are a few in that box. 我想那个盒子里有一些。904. I'm afraid it's empty. 恐怕盒子是空的。905. What a pity! 真遗憾!906. It doesn't matter. 没关系。907. Have a biscuit instead. 那就吃块饼干吧。908. Eat more and smoke less! 多吃点,少抽点!909. That's very good advice! 这是极好的忠告啊!$课文111 最昂贵的型号910. I like this television very much. 我非常喜欢这台电视机。911. How much does it cost 请问它多少钱?912. It's the most expensive model in the shop. 这是店里最贵的型号。913. It costs five hundred pounds. 它的售价是500英镑。914. That's too expensive for us. 这对我们来说是太贵了。915. We can't afford all that money. 我们花不起那么多钱。916. This model's less expensive than that one. 这种型号比那种要廉价些。917. It's only three hundred pounds. 它只要300英镑。918. But, of course, it's not as good as the expensive one. 但是,它当然没有价钱高那种好。919. I don't like the model. 我不喜欢这种型号。920. The other model's more expensive, 那种型号价格是贵一些,921. but it's worth the money. 但它值得那么多钱。922. Can we buy it on instalments 我们可以用分期付款的方式购置吗?923. Of course. You can pay a deposit of thirty pounds, 当然可以。您可以先付30英镑定金。924. and then fourteen pounds a month for three years. 然后每月14镑,3年付清。925. Do you like it, dear 你喜欢吗,亲爱的?926. I certainly do, 我当然喜欢,927. but I don't like the price. 但是我不喜欢这个价钱。928. You always want the best, 你总是要买最好的,929. but we can't afford it. 可我们买不起,930. Sometimes you think you're a millionaire! 有时候你认为自己是个百万富翁!931. Millionaires don't buy things on instalments! 百万富翁是不会分期付款买东西的!$课文113 零钱932. Fares, please! 请买票!933. Trafalgar Square,please. 请买一张到特拉法加广场的票。934. I'm sorry, sir. I can't change a ten-pound note. 对不起,我找不开10英镑的钞票。935. Haven't you got any small change 您没有零钱吗?936. I've got no small change, I am afraid. 恐怕我没有零钱。937. I'll ask some of the passengers. 我来问问其他乘客。938. Have you any small change, sir 先生,您有零钱吗?939. I'm sorry. I've got none. 对不起,我没有。940. I haven

