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2023 年英译 实施 条文 中的 错误
英译施行条文中的错误   看以下例示的施行“条文英译之典型错误亦前本之鉴也。就此专题,笔者在其他著述中涉及过不止一次。但看来,积重一时 〔事实上此一时“有数年至十数年之久〕难返。本文又一次提出,不仅温故知新“而已,且系着眼于新的视角并以新的〔1997-1998〕材料为依照的错误事实及其分析,希望这类典型错误在今后十年内能在我们的法律英译中斩草除根,永远绝灭。   本文根底材料均取自上海市利用外资工作手册上海远东出版社1998年增订本〔以下简称手册〕和上海中英对照新法规月刊增刊〔以下直截了当用阿拉伯数字指年份以罗马字指其期数〕,希各留意:   〔1〕 Art.22 The present Measures shall come into effect from [!]   March 1,1997   〔2〕 Art.43 The present Regulations shall come into force from [!] July l,1996.   〔3〕 Art.23 The detailed Rules come into force as from [!] the date of its [!]promulgation.   〔4〕 Art.35 This law shall go into effect as of [!] January 1,1995.   〔5〕 Art.80 These Rules shall come into force,as from [!] October 1, 1995.   〔6〕 Art. This Law shall come into force as off [!] September 1,1995.   手册,P.1074.   〔7〕 Art.21 The present provisions shall be implemented on a trial basis [!] September 1,1997.   〔8〕 Art.14 The present provisions shall become effective on the day of promulgation.   〔9〕 Art. 28 The Present provisions shall become effective on the day of promulgation.   对以上所例示的典型错误作如下分析:   甲.除上列例〔3〕之外,其余各例之谓语动词都由shall“与原形主动词构成。但按英语言语实践的客观规律,这种shall“的是违背规律的即错误的。这种滥用shall“的错误在我们的法律翻译实践中是特别普遍的,从而给我们的〔而不是英语国家的〕法律英译者一个错觉:误以为于兹场合使用shall“的这种错误不是错误而是正确了。但我们法律汉译英的错误决不因其频率之高而不算错误了。请看民法通那么第156条的以下正确译文:    Article 156 The Law goes into effect on January 1,1987.   From Collection of Laws and Regulations of the People ‘    Article 156 The Law goes into effect on January 1,1987   General principles of Civil Law of the People ‘ s Republic of China,translated by Whitmore Gray and Henry Ruiheng Zheng, from Lam and Contemporary problems,Vol.52 Spring Summer 1989,Numbers 2 3   〔3〕 Article 156 This law becomes effective on the first day of January 1,1987.   China Law Reporter, American Bar Association   和错误译文:   〔4〕 Article l56 This law Shall Come into force on January 1,1987.   The Laws of the People ‘ s Republic of Chin49   〔5〕 Article l56 This law Shall Come into force on 1 January, 1987.   General Principles of Civil Law of the People ‘ s Republic of China, CCH Australia   由于不用shall“的正确译法和滥用shall“的错误译法都相当普遍,法律英译者中就流传出如此一种折衷说来了不用shall“对,用shall“也对。这种说法特别有害。由于:   〔6〕法律条文的英语中一般不用今后时;   〔7〕在法律条文的英语中,shall“不是一个temporal verb而只是个modal verb“;   〔8〕一项法律定于何时施行,是该法律本身的规那么〔rule of law〕[而不是当事人必须如此这般的行为规那么〔rule of conduct〕]其动词所以是平铺直叙的直陈式〔不用shall〕;   〔9〕即便假设〔仅仅是假设〕万一〔所以是不现实的〕确实〔事实上是假的假设嘛〕这个shall“不用所以对、用了也不错;那末,这个shall“也不该用:法律文字应力求简练,故可用可不用以不用为是;   〔10〕:因而不管如何雄辩也无法证明用shall“是对的;而不用shall“是对的,已经证明如上。   乙.上列各例中除例〔7〕中的be implemented外,主要动词“〔be〕come或“go都作用刹那的时间点〔而无法作用于时间段〕,因而但凡用“from.、“as from...或“as of.等介词短语的实例全都错了   于此相反 ,例〔7〕be implemented“那么是作用于时间段的[得以施行的状态]却被译成只作用于时间点on September 1,1997.“-所以是一个错误[应更正为as of“或as from Sept.1,1997“].   丙 .英语适应与汉语不同,汉语一般只须说请举手!“而不必说请举你们的手“,而英语那么一般得说Raise your hands“而不是说Raise hands, please!“〔特别情况下说hands up!“[而不是温、良、恭、谦、让“的your hands up, please!“]自当别论〕。由此可见,上列例子8-9的on the date of promulgation“的promulgation“就同刚刚提到的hands“一样,必须有相应的物主代词才是而如今如此不用物主代词,所以是错的。   上例〔 3〕的promulgation“前尽管用了物主代词its“,但这个物主代词却是不中用的-由于这个its“不是上下文相应点的人称代词!为此,例子〔3〕必须作如下更正才是:   ① The detailed Rules come into force on the date of their promulgation.   ② The detailed Rules comes into force on the date of its promulgation.   为了有始有终,强调不用“是正确的译,并使读者对此留下最后的印象,请看:   These provisions go into effect on November 1, 1988.   -上海   〔本文摘自陈忠诚著:法苑翻谭,中国法制出版社, 2023 年〕

