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2023 机遇 把握 自己 手中 英语演讲 范文
此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。 机遇把握在自己的手中英语演讲稿范文   What are the opportunities Some people say that opportunity is like a beauty! When you met or you do not grasp the courage to get to know her, she will be fleeting, or by others as she would sure have. And when you realize that, she has not! Only &hate free& the.   Some people always complain about life and work, there is no Bole Chollima find themselves in this piece to their own development opportunities and space. So obscure, mediocre and incompetent. But I also think that the opportunity is grasped in its own hands, we must strive to create their own. Only your hard work is paid, and are prepared to do, and will be given the opportunity.   College of Technology a few days before the primary science teaching and research staff to inform me to Shenyang to participate in the &Central Research Institute for Education and Research Center for Science Education in primary schools sponsored by the Second National (Northeast) Primary science class selection of quality seminars.& For me this is not the formal for the science teacher is really a great, unique learning opportunities. This is from last semester to participate in talking about the essay contest, I am usually very concerned about education as a result of teaching activities, the regular education to the county Web site to see, there are no suitable to participate in the activities of their own, once I saw the call for the provincial colleges of education in primary science papers and instructional design. I found all levels of teaching materials and reference materials, and online instructional design carefully reading the wording of science, because since the work I have been engaged in the mathematical disciplines, mathematics is the primary and for a science or a layman, but since we must do a good job to do. I will be a good topica class, began to try to figure out how to write lesson plans in order to have innovation, do not fall into the familiar sets, as well as learning the value of certain. sought after I finished teaching at a renowned teacher, he believes that line, I only sent to College of Technology lesson plans. but it was not until this semester , College of Technology only notified to the participating provinces, but also published in book publishing.   Although the school has three full-time science teacher, but because of age, some cling to the idea of fields, so the school activities in the scientific disciplines are always blank.刘校长I am seeking to see progress, work must be enforced vigorously. Let me declare Members of the College of Technology teaching and research in teacher training teacher backbone &activities. also my personal teaching ability is also excellent, I am very glad that the selection in the College of Technology, I selected those who have become. (This also indicates that I would like to in the scientific disciplines continue to enrich their own teaching ability, after a lot of teaching and learning activities to take part, and it is difficult to pay work)   And刘校长talk about this matter, I said she would like to thank for giving me the opportunity to declare the training of teachers, have the opportunity to learn to go out. And she said that if work is not your personal efforts, I simply did not expect to declare your. Opportunity for everyone is equal is the chance to create your own, set up a bridge for better progress. As long as you are not afraid of suffering, the future you will be in the scientific disciplines of the results.   It can be said that some teachers taught in science classes for many years did not become the subject of teacher training, but also there has been little success. I can not say that God favored me in particular, care, giving me the opportunity, but I am down-to-earth, step by step and be prepared to usher in the work of a good teaching opportunity, I will seize this rare opportunity to make our improvements!   机遇是什么?有人说机遇就像一个美女!当你遇见的时候你不去把握或者没胆量去结识她的话,她就会稍纵即逝,或者她会被别人所把握,所拥有。而当你意识到的时候,她已不在!只能“空余恨〞了。   有些人总是在生活和工作中抱怨,没有伯乐发现自己这匹千里马给自己开展的时机和空间。所以才默默无闻,平庸无能。但我更认为机遇是把握在自己手中的,要由自己去创造争取。就是只有你付出辛苦了,有准备的去做了,才会获得时机。   前几天进修学校的小学科学教研员通知我去沈阳参加 “中央教育科研所小学科学教育研究中心主办的全国第二届(东北区)小学科学优质课评选研讨会〞.对于我这个不正规的科学老师来说真是一次天大的、难得的学习时机. 这话要从上学期参与的论文比赛说起,我平时由于很关注教育的教学活动,经常到县小编站看看,有没有适合自己参加的活动,有一次我看到了省教育学院征集小学科学学科的论文和教学设计.我就找来各年级的教材和参考资料,又到网上细心阅读科学教学设计的写法,因为参加工作以来我一直从事数学学科,对于小学数学是轻车熟路,而对于科学还是一个门外汉,但既然要做就要做好.我定好课题<植物的叶>一课后,就开始揣摩怎么才能把教案写的有创新,不落入熟套,还有一定的学习价值.我写完以后又征求了教学上有名望的老师的意见,他认为行了,我才把教案送到进修学校.但直到这学期开学,进修学校才通知送到省里参评,还可以在出版的书中发表.   虽然学校有3个专职的科学教师,但都因为年龄大,有些固守田园的思想,所以学校在科学学科的活动中总是一片空白.刘校长看我很求上进,做事雷厉风行.就让我申报了进修学校教研员帮带骨干教师培养名师〞活动.也是我的个人教学能力还过硬,很庆幸在进修学校的评选中,我却成为入选者.(这也预示着我要在科学学科上不断丰富自己的教学能力,以后要参加很多教学活动的,也是要付出艰辛的劳动的)   和刘校长谈论起这件事时,我说要感谢她给了我申报培训名师的时机,才有了外出学习的时机.而她却说如果没有你个人工作上的努力,我是根本想不到要申报你的。时机对于每个人来说是均等的,是你自己创造的时机,架设好了进步的桥梁.只要你不怕苦,以后你还会在科学学科上出成绩的。   可以说有些老师教了很多年的科学课也没有成为培养名师的对象,也没有取得什么成绩。而我不能说是上帝对我特别青睐、照顾,给了我机遇,而是我扎扎实实的、一步一步的有准备的工作才迎来了美好的教学机遇,我会抓住这次难得

