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健康 我们 错误
你活的健康吗:我们都在犯的8大健康错误   You pick healthy food, work out (when you can), and watch your waistline. That means you're healthy right?   选择健康食物、尽可能运动、保持体型苗条,这样就健康了吗?   Not so fast—many people who are in tip-top shape (for now) have habits or beliefs that can put them at risk for illness or injury down the road. Read on to learn about these common mistakes, and how you can avoid them。   先别急——有些人虽然现在身材无可挑剔,但潜在意识或习惯却可能使他们日后的健康受到威胁。请看下面一些常见错误,了解该如何避免它们吧。   1. You don't socialize enough   交际不广   While you may feel virtuous on your long solo runs, don't forget to check in with your pals once in a while. Studies suggest that social networks are good for your health too。   当你以清高独立的姿态拼搏时,也别忘了时不时联系一下朋友。研究表明,人际交往对健康很有益处。   Try to schedule regular meet-ups with friends, whether it's a book club or poker—it doesn't matter. (No need to make it exercise-based, although that's nice too。) Just connecting with other people, and maintaining those social networks as you age, is good for your health。   尽量定期跟朋友聚聚,一起读读书或打打扑克什么的。如果做不到就不算了,也不必勉强非得一起运动。如果随着时间的流逝还坚持能和朋友保持联络,那将对健康大有好处。   2. You skimp on sleep   缺少睡眠   Think it's a good idea to get up at 5 a.m. and hit the gym? Not if you should be sleeping instead, says Gary Rogg, MD, a primary care physician and assistant professor at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, N.Y. Studies have consistently shown that people need at least seven hours of sleep a night for optimal health, and short sleep has been associated with a host of health problems, including high blood pressure, depression, diabetes, and a reduced immune response to vaccines。   早上5点起床去健身正确吗?在医学博士加里-罗格看来,如果因此牺牲了睡眠时间,反倒有害。加里是纽约布朗克斯区Montefiore医疗中心的初级保健医生兼助理教授。研究一直表明,人们每晚至少需要7小时睡眠才能达到最佳健康状态,而缺少睡眠会引发系列健康问题,诸如高血压、抑郁症、糖尿病、免疫力下降等等。   3. You drink too much water   喝太多水   Dehydration is bad. So more water is good, right? That's true, to a point。   缺水不利于健康,那么多喝水就正确了吗?某种程度上讲,确实如此。   But particularly if you're running your first marathon or some other physically taxing, long event it's important to avoid drinking too much water, which could lead to water intoxication (also known as hyponatremia)。   但如果你刚跑完马拉松或完成其他长时间体力运动,最好不要一下子喝太多水,否则容易出现“水中毒”,即低钠血症。   4. You still don't eat your fruits and veggies   讨厌水果蔬菜   By now, pretty much everyone knows they should be eating at least five servings of fruit and vegetables per day. Eating plenty of produce helps reduce your risk of heart disease and several types of cancer, and can help you manage your weight too. But a state-by-state survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that in 2009, just one-third of adults reported eating at least two servings of fruit a day, and only about one-quarter ate three or more servings of veggies daily。   现在很多人都知道,每天至少要吃五种水果蔬菜。多吃水果蔬菜能降低患心脏病或其他癌症的风险,还有助于平衡体重。不过,各地疾病控制和预防中心的调查显示,2009年,仅有1/3的成人表示每天至少吃两次水果,仅有1/4的人表示每天至少吃三份蔬菜。   5. You don't have healthy friends   没有健康的朋友   Good health habits are contagious, and bad health habits are, too. Several recent studies have shown that obesity, cigarette smoking—even happiness—spread through social networks。   近朱者赤,近墨者黑,健康习惯也是同样的道理。近几年一些研究表明,肥胖、吸烟、甚至快乐,也具有传染性。   Try to forge friendships with people whose health habits you'd like to emulate and encouraging your friends to join you in healthy pursuits。   所以,请努力结交健康习惯良好的朋友,鼓励身边的朋友养成良好的健康习惯吧。   6. You use exercise alone to shed pounds   只靠运动减肥   Regular exercise is crucial for health and maintaining a healthy weight, but it won't help you lose weight unless you cut down your calorie intake。   经常运动对健康和正常体重至关重要,但如果不控制卡路里摄入量,运动也无法达到减肥的目的。   "Patients exercise themselves until they're blue in the face, they're frustrated, they're sort of at a loss as to why they haven't had success," says Shantanu Nundy, MD, a primary care physician at the University of Chicago. But the truth is that exercise—maybe because it whets the appetite, maybe because we decide it's OK to reward ourselves with a treat after that workout, maybe both—often makes people eat more, which means you'll make up for the calories you just burned, and then some。   “患者经常运动到脸色发青,可还是感到沮丧和困惑:为什么这么运动还是无法减肥?”芝加哥大学的初级保健医生兼医学博士山塔努-卢恩迪说。其实,运动以后也可能胃口大开,而我们或许也认为辛苦运动后可以奖励一下自己——因此,人们反而吃得更多。这样一来,刚损耗的卡路里又被补充上了。   7. You avoid doctors in general   讳疾忌医   You know you should eat better, exercise, lose weight, quit smoking—what more can a doctor do to help? A lot, says Dr. Nundy. Studies have shown people have a better chance of trying to quit smoking, and succeeding, when a doctor advises them to do so. Doctors can also prescribe medications that can greatly increase quitting success. And while there's unfortunately no safe pill to help people lose weight, a doctor's advice can give you a better chance of succeeding in trimming down as well, Dr. Nundy says。 你也知道应该健康饮食、运动、减肥、戒烟,那除此之外,医生还能有什么帮助吗?卢恩迪博士认为医生大有帮助。研究表明,在医生的建议下,人们更容易成功戒烟。而且,医生还能开药帮助人们戒烟。鉴于现在有很多不安全的减肥药丸,医生就能给予更安全有效的瘦身指导。   8. Skipping checkups   忽略体检   Similarly, many people may not bother to go for well visits,

