VisitingtheMuseumIt was fine for traveling last Sunday . I showed Ann round the museum . she was sur.
学生观察日记数菜籽11月9日 晴今天科学课,李老师走进教室就问了我们两个问题:你们猜一猜,每棵油菜上大约有多少个菜荚每个菜荚里有多少颗菜籽老师的话刚说完,大家就七嘴八舌地回答起来:21个菜荚,20颗菜.
固执的爸爸MyStubbornFatherMy father is a nice person, everybody speaks highly of him, but he is very stub.
保持笑脸KeeptheSmilingFace People always say the one who likes smiling will never lack of luck. Indeed, .
我的早餐MyBreakfastEarly in the morning, before I go to school, I need to have my breakfast. My mother p.
2023反对吸烟的高中英语作文反对吸烟的中学英语作文 在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法.那要怎么写好作文呢.
我的自我介绍MySelfintroduction My name is Yang Yang, I am thirteen years old. I am a student from Class 3,.
悲惨世界英语读后感 Les Miserables 1862 is representative works of Victor Hugo,as one of the most famous novel.
爷爷的愿望GrandpasHope Two years ago, I left my hometown and moved to the city to live with my parents. S.
美人鱼传说TheLegendofMermaidThe movie Pirates of Carribean is very popular around the world, the latest s.
MyrabbitI have a very pretty rabbit. Its name is Koukou. Koukou is very fat. She wears white coat. S.
MybestfriendMy best friend is Mary. She lives in a tall building. She lives on the fifth floor. Ever.
闪亮的星星TheShinningStarsThe time in my hometown is always happy for me. Every time when I look at the s.
好看的书TheGoodBookI go to bookstore today, I want to find some interesting books to read. After walking.
永不言弃NevergiveupNever give upWhen I was in Grade 8, I read the book Robinson Crusoe.The main characte.
美丽的海滩BeautifulBeach The first time I see the beach, I feel so excited. It is early in the morning, I.
蜘蛛SpiderTwo years ago, I saw a horrible movie, in the movie, the spider became a monster and ate peo.
我想念老朋友IMissMyOldFriendBefore I move to the city, I live in my hometown for a long time. I meet a lot.
友谊第一FriendshipComesFirstLast night, I played football match with my friends. We were divided into tw.
笼子里的猫ACatintheCageLast night, when I walked in the street, I found a cat in the cage. It was calling.
我战胜了惰性IGetOverLazinessMy mother always says that I am a lazy girl, when she needs my help with her h.
我最崇拜的人When I was in high school, there was a teacher who taught me more than that in class.He was a .
新学期计划PlansintheNewSemesterAs the new semester is coming, I feel so excited. It will be my last year .
MyteacherOur art teather is not too young and not too old .He has black hair two big and black eyes .
学习的意义TheMeaningofStudyStudy has been the necessary part of humans life. Many students take it as the.
一只流浪猫AStrayCatI go for a walk after dinner with my father. When I am on my way home, I find a stray .
如果我是一棵树IfIamaTree Once I see from the movie that a man says he wants to be a tree, because a tree is.
可爱的猫TheLovelyCatToday, when I go home after school, a cat follows me as I near my home. It is very s.
新年心愿WishesfortheNewYearThe New Year is coming and I have good wishes for the coming year. Firstly, I.
AnimalsI like animals very much. I have a dog, Its my favourite animal. Its white, It looks like a s.
如果我是一名教师IfIWereATeacherWhen I go to school, I have learned so many things from my teachers, they are.
付出就有一定有回报吗DoesHardWorkBringResultEverybody knows that if we want to be successful, we must work hard.
食品问题TheProblemofFoodRecently, the news about the famous fast food company got bankrupted in Taiwan w.
方法6:高屋建瓴 展现大我所谓高屋建瓴法,就是指作文要大气,有高远的立意,也就是要有才识.有了才识,就具备了发展创新的意识和气量,就有了从思想上把握全局与选择目标的能力;有了才识,就能形成独立之见,就.
建议书ProposalThere is a street near my house. The traffic light there has broken for more than half a .
最好的自己TheBestMe The moment that I went to middle school, I changed a lot. Firstly, I realized that I .
美丽人生BeautifulLifeMarisa who is a beautiful girl from England, she works as a fitness instructor. She.
MypetI have a new pet.It is a dog.It is Ming Ming.It is one year old.It is very cute.It has short fu.
我怎样学习英语HowDoIStudyEnglishEnglish is very important today, we haveEnglish classes in school every day.
校园里的春天SpringinOurSchoolSpring comes at last. Everything begins to grow. The trees turn green, and th.